Ultimate Guide on How to Sleep on a Cruise: Top 12 Tips

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If you are first-time cruisers, you may wonder how to sleep on a cruise.

 I totally get it. I’ve been on cruises with my better half and my kiddos along for the ride. 

And let me tell you, while falling asleep to the sound of the ocean is amazing, it’s not always smooth sailing when it comes to actually getting some shut-eye. 

Maybe it’s the unfamiliar bed or the excitement of being on vacation, but getting that perfect night’s sleep can be tricky. That’s why I’ve put together this blog post. 

We will chat about my favorite cruise tips, from picking the best cabin for sleep to the sleep gear you didn’t even know you needed. 

I’ll also share some of my favorite alternative spots on the ship where you can take a quick nap. So, let’s dive in and ensure your next cruise is as restful as it is adventurous!

Teddy bear sitting on a white bed in a cruise cabing.  How to sleep on a cruise

Why Good Sleep is Crucial on a Cruise

Let’s talk about something we often overlook on vacations, especially on cruises: sleep. 

I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, “I’m on vacation; who needs sleep?” But trust me, getting good sleep on a cruise is a game-changer. Here’s why:

Maximizing the Fun Factor

You’re hopping from one island to another, snorkeling, dining, and maybe even hitting the dance floor. All this fun can wear you out. 

A good night’s sleep recharges you, so you’re ready to seize the day every day.

Mood Booster

Ever get grumpy when you’re tired? Yeah, me too. 

Quality sleep can turn that frown upside down. You’re on vacation with your family; the last thing you want is to be the party pooper.

Energize Your Day

Forget about needing that third cup of coffee. When you’re well-rested, you naturally have more energy. 

This means you can keep up with the kids, explore more, and genuinely enjoy your time.

Health Check

Let’s get real for a second. A cruise ship is a floating community, and germs are part of the deal.

Good sleep boosts your immune system, making you less susceptible to catching something.

So, don’t just brush off sleep as something you can catch up on later. Make it a priority, and I promise your cruise experience will be all the better for it.

1. Choose the Right Cabin: Location, Location, Location!

So, you’re all set to book your cruise and face the big question: “Which cabin should I choose?” 

Trust me, this decision is more important than you might think, especially when getting a good night’s sleep. Let’s break it down:

Go Low and Midship

  • Lower decks tend to have less movement, which is a good pick if you’re prone to seasickness. Plus, they’re often quieter since they’re away from bustling public areas.
  • Picking a cabin midship is also a smart move. It’s the most stable part of the ship, so you’ll feel less rocking, making it easier to drift off to dreamland.

Avoid the Noise Traps

Steer clear of cabins located under high-traffic, noisy areas like the pool deck, restaurants, or dance clubs. The last thing you want is to be jolted awake by the thumping bass from a late-night party or early-morning aqua aerobics.

Think Twice About Porthole Rooms

While a room with a view sounds appealing, porthole or window cabins can let in a lot of light. This could be a deal-breaker if you’re sensitive to light when you sleep.  An interior cabin provides darkness at all times of the day and is my favorite type of cabin for afternoon naps. 

Read Reviews and Check Maps

Take a few minutes to read reviews from other travelers on sites like Cruise Critic or consult the ship’s deck plans. 

These resources can give you insights into which cabins are the quietest and most comfortable for sleep.

Mother and child walking on a cruise ship deck holding hands

2. Stick to a Sleep Schedule: Consistency is Key

Alright, let’s get real. Vacations are all about breaking free from the daily grind, right? 

You’ve got late-night shows, midnight buffets, and maybe even a little moonlit dancing. 

But here’s the thing: while it’s tempting to throw caution to the wind, keeping a somewhat consistent sleep schedule can actually make your cruise way more enjoyable. Here’s why:

Body Clock Benefits

Our bodies have internal clocks, also known as circadian rhythms, that help regulate sleep. 

Sticking to a schedule, you’re helping your body clock stay on track, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up refreshed.

Max Out Your Day

If you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, you’ll be more in sync with the ship’s itinerary. 

This means you won’t miss out on early morning excursions or fun daytime activities because you’re too groggy.

Beat the Jet Lag

A consistent sleep schedule can help you adjust faster if your cruise involves changing time zones. 

This is super helpful for making the most of your time, especially if your cruise is on the shorter side.

Quality Over Quantity

It’s not just about getting enough sleep; it’s about getting good sleep. 

A consistent schedule helps improve the quality of your sleep so you wake up feeling genuinely rested, not just clocking in hours.

Family Harmony

If you’re cruising with kids, you know how crucial sleep schedules are. 

Keeping bedtime consistent helps the little ones adjust and ensures everyone is well-rested and in a good mood.

3. Adjust the Room Temperature: Finding Your Sleep Sweet Spot

You might not think it’s a big deal, but the temperature of your cabin can seriously make or break your sleep quality. 

Ever tried sleeping in a room that’s too hot or too cold? Yeah, it’s not fun. So, let’s dive into how to set the ideal sleeping temperature on your cruise.

The Ideal Range

Most sleep experts agree that a cool room between 60-67°F (15-19°C) is optimal for sleep. 

Now, I know you can’t always control the exact temperature, but most cruise cabins have adjustable thermostats. Use it!

Test and Tweak

On your first night, test out the temperature settings. If you wake up sweaty or shivering, you’ll know you need to make some adjustments.

 Finding your sweet spot might take a night or two, but it’s worth it.

Layer Up or Down

If you can’t get the temperature just right, play around with your bedding. Use layers that you can easily add or remove. 

Some cruises even offer different types of pillows and blankets upon request.

Consider a Fan

If you like a little airflow, see if your cruise ship provides small fans or bring your own.  

We love our fold-away travel fan! This can help with temperature, and the white noise can also be a sleep aid.

When All Else Fails, Call for Help

If you’re having serious issues with your cabin’s temperature, don’t hesitate to call guest services. 

They’re there to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

white sheets in a bed with a person laying in it.

4. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: The Sleep Stealers You Didn’t See Coming

So, you’re on a cruise, and the drinks are flowing. Coffee in the morning to kickstart your day, and maybe a cocktail (or two) in the evening to unwind.

Sounds like vacation heaven, right? Well, not so fast. 

While caffeine and alcohol might seem like harmless vacation indulgences, they can actually mess with your sleep in ways you might not expect. Let’s break it down:

The Caffeine Culprit

  • Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it wakes you up and keeps you alert. Great for morning excursions not so great when you’re trying to wind down for the night.
  • The effects of caffeine can last up to 6 hours. If you’re sipping on coffee or tea late into the afternoon, you might find yourself tossing and turning at bedtime.

Alcohol’s Sneaky Side

  • Sure, a glass of wine might make you feel sleepy at first, but alcohol actually disrupts your sleep cycle. You might fall asleep quickly but wake up in the middle of the night or experience less restful REM sleep.
  • Alcohol can also exacerbate snoring and sleep apnea, which is bad for you and anyone sharing your cabin.

Balance is Key

If you can’t resist that cup of joe or a sunset cocktail, try to enjoy them earlier in the day. Aim to cut off caffeine at least 6 hours before bedtime and limit alcohol to one or two drinks at dinner.

Look, I get it. You’re on vacation, and you want to indulge a little. And that’s totally okay!

Just be mindful of when and how much caffeine and alcohol you consume, especially if you want to catch some quality Z’s.

Trust me, a good night’s sleep will make that sunrise yoga class or day of island-hopping way more enjoyable.

5. Utilize the ‘Do Not Disturb’ Sign: Your Ticket to Uninterrupted Z’s

The Do Not Disturb sign is not just a piece of cardboard or a magnet hanging on your door; it’s a magical ticket to a peaceful, uninterrupted sleep haven. 

Seriously, this little sign is a game-changer for maintaining a quiet environment in your cabin. Here’s why you should be best friends with it:

No Unexpected Visitors

Your room attendant is great, but let’s be honest; nobody wants to be jolted awake by the sound of a vacuum or a knock on the door. 

Flip that ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign-on, and you’ve got a “no entry” zone.

Nap Time Bliss

Cruises are packed with activities, but if you’re like me, you appreciate a good midday nap. 

The sign ensures you can snooze without disturbances, recharging you for the evening’s adventures.

Late Sleepers, Rejoice!

Not an early riser? No problem. Hang that sign, and you can catch some extra Z’s without worrying about being woken up for room service or cleaning.

Family Harmony

If you’re traveling with kids or other family members, the sign is a universal signal that says, “Shhh, someone’s resting.” 

It’s a simple way to keep everyone on the same page about noise levels.

Personal Time

Sometimes, you just need a moment to yourself, especially on a family trip. 

The ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign gives you the space to relax, meditate, read, or simply do nothing in peace.

When to Take it Down

Of course, your room will eventually need to be cleaned, so don’t forget to take the sign down when you’re ready for housekeeping to do their thing.

Cruise cabin balconies.  from the outside. How to sleep on a cruise

6. Combat Sea Sickness: Don’t Let It Rock Your Cruise

Sea sickness is the uninvited guest that nobody wants on their cruise vacation. 

If you’ve ever felt queasy on a boat, you know how it can quickly turn a dream vacation into a nightmare. 

But here’s the good news: seasickness is manageable, and taking the right steps can help you avoid it altogether so that you can get a restful night of sleep

Prevention is Key

If you’re prone to motion sickness, consider taking an over-the-counter medication like Dramamine before setting sail. 

Always consult with a healthcare provider for the best advice tailored to you.

Location, Location, Location

As mentioned earlier, choosing a cabin in the middle of the ship and on a lower deck can make a world of difference.

 These areas experience less motion, helping to keep that queasy feeling at bay.

Wristbands and Patches

Sea sickness wristbands use acupressure to help control symptoms. 

Prescription patches like Scopolamine can also be effective, but consult a doctor before using them.

Ginger to the Rescue

Ginger is a natural remedy for nausea. You can bring ginger candies, drink ginger tea, or even ask the ship’s restaurant to whip up a ginger-ale-infused drink for you. 

Fresh Air and Horizon

Sometimes, all it takes to combat seasickness is a breath of fresh air. Step out onto the deck and focus on the horizon; this can help recalibrate your sense of balance.

Stay Hydrated

Sea sickness can dehydrate you quickly, making you feel even worse. Keep a bottle of water handy and sip it regularly.

Limit Certain Foods and Drinks

Spicy, greasy foods and excessive alcohol can exacerbate sea sickness. Stick to bland foods and non-alcoholic beverages if you’re feeling iffy.

7. Bring Sleep Supports from Home: Your Personal Comfort Kit for Better Z’s

Consider bringing some of your favorite sleep supports from home to make it easier to fall asleep. Let’s talk about what to bring and why it’s a game-changer for your cruise experience.

Your Trusty Pillow

Not all pillows are created equal, and the ones provided in your cabin might not be to your liking. 

If you’re particular about your pillow, bring your own. It can help you avoid neck pain and ensure a more restful sleep.  

My favorite is the Coop pillow; I bring it everywhere.  I just sleep so much better with it. 

Blanket of Comfort

If you have a lightweight blanket that you absolutely love, consider bringing it along. It can add an extra layer of comfort and make your cabin feel more like home.

Your Go-To Sleep Spray

If you use a specific pillow spray or essential oil blend to help you relax, don’t leave it behind. A familiar scent can make falling asleep in a new environment much easier.

Specialty Items

Do you use a knee pillow, a back support, or even a specific type of sleepwear? Bring them along. These items might seem small, but they can significantly improve your sleep quality.

Why It Matters

Familiarity breeds comfort. When you’re in a new environment, like a cruise ship, having familiar items can help signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down and sleep.

Packing Tips

Worried about luggage space? Vacuum-seal bags can be a lifesaver for bulky items like pillows and blankets. 

For smaller items, use your carry-on bag to keep your sleep supports easily accessible.

Large cruise ship parked on a concrete dock

8. Block Out Light: Create Your Own Sleep Cave at Sea

Let’s face it: when you’re on a cruise, you’re not just dealing with the natural light of the sun; you’ve also got the ship’s lights, the glow from nearby cabins, and even the dazzling lights from ports or other ships.

 While it might make for a pretty view, all that light can seriously mess with your sleep. So, how do you create a sleep-friendly, dark environment in your cabin? Let’s dive in.

Cover Those Portholes

If you’ve got a cabin with portholes or windows, the incoming light can be a real sleep-stealer. One quick fix is to cover them with a cloth, towel, or even some paper. Just make sure it’s secure so it doesn’t fall off in the middle of the night.

Invest in Special Curtains

Some people swear by blackout curtains for creating a sleep-friendly environment. Check if your cruise line offers them, or consider bringing your own travel-sized versions. 

Sleep Mask to the Rescue

A good-quality sleep mask can be your best friend when it comes to blocking out light. Choose one that’s comfortable and fits well, so it stays put while you’re tossing and turning.

DIY Solutions

If you’re in a pinch, you can get creative with what you have. Use clothespins to keep curtains closed, or drape a spare blanket over light sources.

Mind the Gadgets

Don’t forget about the light from your electronic devices. Turn off your phone, or at least put it on “Do Not Disturb” mode, and dim any digital clocks or screens in the room.

Why It’s Important

Our bodies are programmed to associate darkness with sleep. Blocking out light helps signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

9. Avoid Overeating: How to Navigate the Buffet Without Sinking Your Sleep

A cruise ship is a paradise of endless food options that can tempt even the most disciplined eater.

 From gourmet dinners to midnight snacks, going overboard is easy (pun intended). But here’s the thing: overeating can really mess with your sleep. 

Let’s talk about how to enjoy the culinary delights without compromising your Z’s.

The Food Coma Trap

We’ve all been there. You eat a big meal and suddenly feel like you could sleep for days. While it might seem like a good idea at the time, overeating can lead to restless sleep and even nightmares.

Digestion Takes Time

Your body needs time to digest all that food. Going to bed right after a big meal can lead to discomfort, indigestion, or even acid reflux. It’s not exactly the recipe for a good night’s sleep.

Choose Wisely

It’s not just how much you eat but what you eat. Foods high in sugar or caffeine can give you a quick energy boost, but they’ll also make it harder to fall asleep later.

Stick to lighter, more balanced options, especially for dinner.

Portion Control

The buffet will still be there tomorrow, I promise. Instead of piling your plate high, opt for smaller portions. You can always go back for seconds if you’re still hungry.

Listen to Your Body

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of trying new foods, but try to pay attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Stop eating when you’re satisfied, not when you’re stuffed.

Timing Matters

Try to eat your last big meal at least 3 hours before bedtime. Opt for a light, healthy snack like fruit or yogurt if you get peckish later.

Why It Matters

Overeating can lead to poor sleep quality, which in turn can affect your mood, energy levels, and overall enjoyment of your cruise. Plus, better sleep means you’ll be more energized for all those fun activities and excursions!

Cruise ship profile cruising through blue water with white spray underneath

10. Stay Active: How Breaking a Sweat Can Lead to Better Sleep

Cruises are often seen as the epitome of relaxation—lounging by the pool, sipping cocktails, and generally doing as little as possible. 

And while that’s all well and good, staying active during your cruise can actually help you sleep better at night. 

The Sleep-Exercise Connection

Exercise helps you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper sleep. It’s science! Physical activity increases the production of endorphins, which not only make you feel good but also help you relax and wind down after a busy day.

Timing is Everything

While exercise is great for sleep, timing matters. Try to avoid vigorous workouts close to bedtime, as they can actually energize you and make it harder to fall asleep. The morning or early afternoon is usually the best time to get your sweat on.

Fun Ways to Stay Active

You don’t have to hit the gym to stay active on a cruise. How about a dance class, a swim in the pool, or even a scenic hike during a port stop? Find activities you enjoy so it doesn’t feel like a chore.

Family-Friendly Activities

If you’re cruising with the fam, look for activities everyone can enjoy.  Consider a game of shuffleboard, a snorkeling excursion, or a treasure hunt around the ship. 

Don’t Forget to Stretch

A little stretching or yoga can go a long way, especially if you’ve been exploring all day. It helps relax your muscles and prepare your body for a restful night’s sleep.

Balance it Out

While staying active is great, don’t forget to balance it out with some relaxation time. After all, you’re on vacation! A good mix of activity and downtime ensures you’re tired—but not too tired—when bedtime rolls around.

Why It Matters

Staying active helps you sleep better and boosts your mood and energy levels. This means you’ll get more out of your cruise, whether you’re exploring new places or simply enjoying the onboard amenities.

11. Get to Know Your Cabin Attendant: The Unsung Hero of Your Cruise Experience

Let’s talk about one of the most underrated aspects of cruising: your cabin attendant. These folks are the unsung heroes who make sure your room is clean, your bed is made, and your towels are fresh. 

But did you know that getting to know your cabin attendant can actually improve your sleep and overall cruise experience? 

Yep, it’s true. Here’s why and how to make the most of this relationship.

First Impressions Matter

When you first board the ship, make it a point to introduce yourself and your family to your cabin attendant. A friendly introduction sets the tone for a positive relationship throughout your cruise.

Your Go-To for Comfort

These attendants know the ins and outs of cabin comfort. Need an extra pillow, a blanket, or even a fan? Your cabin attendant can make it happen, ensuring you have everything you need for a good night’s sleep.

Insider Tips

Cabin attendants are a treasure trove of useful information. From the best times to hit the buffet to avoid crowds to the quietest spots on the ship for a midday nap, their tips can enhance your cruise experience.

Special Requests

Whether it’s keeping your room extra cool or ensuring you have a stock of fresh fruit for late-night snacking, your cabin attendant can accommodate special requests that make your stay more comfortable and conducive to sleep.

Show Appreciation

A little gratitude goes a long way. A thank-you note, a small tip, or even just a smile and a “How’s your day going?” can make your attendant more inclined to go the extra mile for you.

Why It Matters

A good relationship with your cabin attendant isn’t just about getting extra towels; it’s about creating a personalized, comfortable, and secure environment that allows you to relax and sleep better.

Must-Have Sleeping Accessories for a Cruise: Your Ultimate Sleep Kit

So, you’ve picked the perfect cabin, planning to stay active, and even making friends with your cabin attendant.

Great! But let’s not forget one more crucial element for achieving dreamy sleep on your cruise: the right accessories.

Here’s a rundown of must-have packing items that can turn your cabin into a sleep sanctuary.

1. Travel Pillow

Forget those flat or overly fluffy pillows you sometimes get. Bring your own travel pillow that you know you love. Your neck will thank you.

2. Eye Mask

An eye mask is basically a “do not disturb” sign for your eyes. Opt for one that’s soft, breathable, and adjustable for maximum comfort.

3. Ear Plugs

Cruises can get noisy between the ship’s engine and that couple arguing in the hallway. A quality pair of earplugs can help you create a bubble of quiet, making it easier to drift off.

4. Travel Fan

If you’re like me and need a little breeze to sleep, a small, portable fan is a great addition to your sleep kit. 

5. Cabin Organizer

No one can relax in a cluttered space. Hang up an organizer to stash your stuff, and you’ll feel way more zen.

6. Travel Alarm Clock

Yeah, you could use your phone, but who wants to risk falling into the Instagram rabbit hole when you’re trying to wind down? A travel alarm clock keeps you on schedule without distractions.

7. Night Light

Need to get up in the middle of the night? A small, portable night light can guide your way without disturbing your partner or messing with your sleep quality.

8. White Noise Machine

If you’re really serious about blocking out noise, consider bringing a portable white noise machine. These gadgets can drown out almost anything, from hallway chatter to the sounds of the sea.

9. Comfortable Sleepwear

Don’t underestimate the power of a good pair of PJs. Whether you prefer a light tank top and shorts or a cozy set of long sleeves and pants, make sure it’s something you’ll be comfortable sleeping in, given the cabin’s temperature.

10. Essential Oils or Pillow Spray

Bring some essential oil or a pillow spray if you’ve got a favorite relaxing scent, like lavender or chamomile. It’s like a little piece of home, right in your cabin.

Best Place to Sleep on Cruise Ship: Beyond the Cabin

Your cabin is your main sleep hub, but let’s be real—sometimes you need a change of scenery or maybe a quick power nap to recharge. 

Good news! Cruise ships are like floating hotels with all sorts of hidden nooks perfect for a snooze. Here’s the lowdown:

1. Lounges

You know those plush chairs you see in the lounges? They’re not just for sipping cocktails.

When it’s not happy hour or trivia time, these spots can be like ghost towns. Perfect for a peaceful nap!

2. Deck Chairs

Nothing beats a good ol’ nap under the sun or stars, right? Grab a deck chair, listen to the waves, and drift off.

Just a heads-up: if you’re napping during the day, slap on some sunscreen so you don’t wake up a lobster.

3. Quiet Corners

Cruise ships are big and filled with nooks and crannies that most people overlook.

Whether it’s a secluded corner in the library or a hidden bench on one of the lower decks, you can find your own little sanctuary for a peaceful nap.

4. Balconies

If you splurge on a room with a balcony, make the most of it! There’s nothing like a nap with the sea breeze gently blowing and the sound of the waves.

Just make sure to secure any loose items so they don’t go overboard, and again, don’t forget that sunscreen.

5. Spas and Solariums

Some cruise ships have tranquil adult-only areas or spa lounges perfect for relaxation. While you’re not supposed to sleep there full-on, no one’s going to judge you for closing your eyes for a bit.

A Few Tips

  • If you plan to sleep outside your cabin, keep your valuables secure and consider setting an alarm so you don’t miss any planned activities (or meals—you gotta eat, right?).
  • Always check the daily schedule for any events that might disrupt your peaceful slumber. The last thing you want is to be jolted awake by a poolside dance party!

Final Thoughts:  How to sleep on a Cruise

Alright, folks, we’ve covered a lot of ground.

From picking out the coziest cabin to stocking up on sleep essentials, you’re now ready to hit the hay like a pro on your next cruise.

 I can’t stress enough how much a good night’s sleep can change your whole cruise experience. 

I’ve been there, trying to wrangle kids on a ship while running on just a few hours of sleep—it’s not fun. 

So do yourself a favor: pack that comfy sleep mask, make friends with your cabin attendant, and don’t be shy about sneaking in a quick deck chair nap. 

Your next cruise is going to be as restful as it is exciting. Here’s to smooth sailing and even smoother sleeping!

FAQ: All Your Sleep-on-a-Cruise Questions, Answered

Can I request a specific type of pillow?

You bet! If you’re picky about your pillows (and who isn’t?), give guest services a shout or chat with your cabin attendant. They’ve got a whole arsenal of pillows, from super firm to marshmallow soft.

What if I suffer from seasickness?

Ugh, seasickness is the worst, right? But don’t worry, there are ways around it. You can grab some over-the-counter meds like Dramamine or even try those anti-nausea wristbands. And pro tip: cabins in the middle of the ship on lower decks are usually more stable.

How do I deal with time zone changes?

Jet lag is a drag. Start shifting your sleep schedule a few days before you set sail to beat it. And once you’re onboard, get plenty of sunshine to help reset your internal clock.

Which cruise line has the best sleeping quarters? 

All cruise lines offer some pretty plush sleeping options, but they each have their own perks.

Norwegian cruise line is known for its “Freestyle Cruising,” giving you a more relaxed, flexible vibe.

On the other hand, Royal Caribbean often gets high marks for its luxurious bedding and spacious cabins. 

Disney Cruise Lines aren’t just all about Mickey Mouse; they have plush bedding and superior accommodations. 

And don’t count out Holland America—they’re known for their super comfy beds and a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Honestly, you’re in for a treat no matter which one you pick.

Do you sleep well on a cruise ship?

It really depends on the person. Some people love the gentle sway of the ship, while others might need a night to get used to it. But with the right prep and gear, most folks find they sleep like babies.

What’s it like to sleep on a cruise ship?

Imagine this: you’re lulled to sleep by the sound of the ocean, and you wake up in a brand-new place. Sounds incredible, right? But it’s not all smooth sailing—there can be noise, light, and even a bit of rocking. Cruise ship mattresses are comfortable, but sleeping in a new bed can sometimes take some type to get used to. 

How hard is it to sleep on a cruise ship?

For the most part, it’s not that hard. The cabins are designed for comfort, and the cruise ship beds are good quality. So, with a little prep, you’ll be snoozing in no time.

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