Christmas Away From Home: 15 Tips to Make it Special (2023)

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Will you be spending Christmas away from home this holiday season and wondering how to make it feel special?  

You are in the right place.  I’m a mom who’s spent many a Christmas Day away from home, both by choice and by circumstance. As a former travel nurse, I’ve had my share of holidays in unfamiliar places, often surrounded by people I’d just met. 

As a mom, I’ve also chosen to pack up the family and explore new destinations during the Christmas season. 

So, believe me when I say I know a thing or two about making Christmas away from home feel special.

Whether you’re away for work, vacation, or any other reason, being far from home during the holidays can stir up a whole mix of emotions. 

There’s the excitement of new experiences but also that little tug of homesickness, especially when you start missing your family traditions or your grandma’s famous gingerbread cookies.

But here’s the good news: you can still make your holiday season magical, no matter where you are. 

In this article, I’ll share tips on how to make your vacation more festive and ways to keep that homesickness at bay. 

From decorating your Airbnb to finding local festivities and even starting new traditions, there are plenty of ways to make this holiday season one to remember.

So, if you’re spending this Christmas away from home, stick around. I’ve got some tried-and-true tips to help you make the most of your holiday adventures.

Three Christmas Ornaments on a Beach.  Christmas away from home

Why you Should Travel During the Holidays

1. The Magic of a New Setting

First off, let’s talk about the sheer magic that a change of scenery can bring to your Christmas celebrations. Imagine waking up to a white Christmas in a cozy mountain cabin or building sandcastles on a beach on Christmas morning.

A new setting can offer a fresh perspective and make the holiday feel even more special.

2. Unique Bonding Experience

  • Family Time: Traveling during the holidays offers a unique bonding experience that’s different from any other time of the year. The shared adventures, whether it’s navigating a foreign city or trying out a new winter sport, can bring you closer as a family.
  • Shared Memories: Shared Memories: And let’s not forget the bragging rights. Your kids will be the talk of the school when they share how they spent Christmas snorkeling in crystal-clear waters on Christmas Eve.  

3. Break from Routine

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had your fair share of cookie-cutter Christmases.

Don’t get me wrong, traditions are great, but shaking things up can breathe new life into your holiday season.

Who knows, you might even stumble upon a new family tradition!

4. Cultural Enrichment

Ever wondered how the rest of the world celebrates Christmas?

Well, here’s your chance to find out. You will get to experience new traditions, foods, and ways of celebrating that you might never have encountered otherwise. 

5. Reduced Stress

Believe it or not, taking a trip can actually reduce holiday stress.

You won’t have to worry about hosting a big family gathering, decorating the entire house, or juggling multiple holiday events.

Instead, you can focus on what really matters: quality time with your family.

6. Quality Over Quantity

  • Less is More: When you’re traveling, you’re naturally limited in how many gifts you can bring or receive. And guess what? That’s totally okay. It shifts the focus from “stuff” to experiences, and let’s be honest, those are the gifts that keep on giving
  • The Gift of Experience: Sometimes, the best gift you can give your family is a new experience, whether it’s exploring a new city, trying out a new activity, or simply enjoying each other’s company in a new setting.

1. Airbnb Christmas Decoration Essentials

Are you swapping your home’s cozy fireplace for an Airbnb this Christmas?

Awesome choice! But let’s face it, the thought of celebrating without your usual holiday decor can be a bit of a downer.

I’ve got some super easy, pack-in-a-jiffy decoration ideas that’ll make your Airbnb feel like home. 

Red Stockings Hanging on a Mantel.  Christmas away from Home.

Easy-to-Pack Decorations

Window Clings: You know those cute, stick-on window clings you see at the store? Grab a pack! They’re lightweight and can be easily packed in your suitcase.  The clings can jazz up your windows without leaving any marks. Instant holiday vibes!

Battery-Powered Christmas Lights: These little guys are perfect for small spaces like hotel rooms. No need to hunt for outlets; string them up wherever you like for that cozy, twinkly glow

silver and white snowflake pendant

Paper Snowflakes: Remember making these in school? Get the kids involved and have a snowflake-making session. Hang ’em up and—voila!—you’ve got yourself a winter wonderland.

red and white beaded bracelet

Garland: Pop some popcorn (snack on some, of course) and string the rest to make a garland. Or, if popcorn’s not your thing, cut up some colorful paper and make a paper garland. Either way, it’s a fun activity and a cool decor piece.

Must-Have Items to Pack

Stockings: You can’t have Christmas without stockings! Pack your own, or consider purchasing some mini ones to bring along. No fireplace? No problem! Hang those stockings on a door handle or a wall hook. 

Felt Christmas Tree: These are great for kids. They can decorate their own felt tree with Velcro ornaments, keeping them entertained and adding to the holiday decor.  Better yet.  This is an easy-to-pack item. 

Mini Christmas Tree: If you’ve got a little extra room in your luggage, a mini Christmas tree can make a world of difference in making a place feel like home.

Coordinating with Your Airbnb Host

Before you go all out with the decorations, it’s a good idea to check in with your Airbnb host.

Most hosts are cool with you adding some holiday cheer, but it’s always polite to ask. Plus, they might even have some decorations you can use!

DIY Decoration Ideas

  • Handmade Ornaments: Bring along some plain ornaments and craft supplies like markers and stickers. It’s a fun activity for the kids, and you get to add a personal touch to your Christmas tree.
  • Paper Chain Countdown: This one’s a classic. Make a paper chain and rip off one link each day as you count down to Christmas. The kids will love it, and it adds a pop of color to the room.

2. Navigating Holiday Travel

Window display with christmas lights and christmas wooden goods

Dealing with Crowded Airports

  • Early Bird Gets the Worm: I can’t stress this enough—get to the airport early. With the December rush, security lines are longer than usual. Plus, it gives you some wiggle room in case of unexpected delays.
  • Pack Smart: Keep your IDs, tickets, and snacks in an easy-to-reach spot. Nobody wants to be “that person” holding up the security line, right?
  • Snack Attack: Pack some snacks to avoid spending a fortune at airport kiosks. Trust me, a hungry traveler is a grumpy traveler.

Surviving Long Car Rides

  • Plan Stops: If you’re driving, plan some fun stops along the way. It breaks up the journey and gives everyone a chance to stretch their legs.  You’ll also want plenty of potty breaks for your little ones
  • Car Games: Good old-fashioned car games like “I Spy” or “20 Questions” can keep the kids (and adults) entertained for hours.
  • Podcasts & Audiobooks: Consider downloading some family-friendly podcasts or audiobooks. It’s a great way to pass the time and keep the “Are we there yet?” questions to a minimum.

Keeping Kids Entertained

  • Travel Kits: Put together a small travel kit for each child with coloring books, crayons, and small toys. 
  • Screen Time: Sometimes, you just need a moment of peace. Load up a tablet with some of their fave shows or games. No judgment here!

Don’t Forget the Stroller

  • Why It’s Essential: A winter stroller can be a lifesaver if you’re heading to a winter climate. They’re designed to handle snowy and icy conditions, making it easier to navigate through winter landscapes.
  • Heading somewhere warmer?  You’ll definitely want a stroller there too.

3. Skype over Dinner: Pull Up a Virtual Chair to the Family Feast

If you’re off exploring the world this Christmas and bummed about missing grandma’s famous turkey dinner, consider joining the family action with a good ol’ Skype or Zoom dinner. 

First, do yourself a favor and test the tech a few days before. Trust me, you don’t want to troubleshoot while everyone else is chowing down.

Are time zones messing with your dinner plans? Just sync up as best as you can. It’s all about feeling like you’re there, right? 

Set up your camera to catch everyone’s smiling faces, and hey, if you’re feeling extra, cook the same dishes as back home. It’s like you’re passing the gravy through the screen!

Don’t forget the little things that make your family’s Christmas, well, Christmas. Say grace, make a toast, and you can even squabble over who gets the last piece of pie. 

Those small moments make the holidays feel real, no matter where you are.

The best part? Seeing your family and hearing their laughter. 

Who knows, this Skype dinner thing could even become your new holiday tradition. So go ahead, set that virtual table, and pull up a chair. It’s the next best thing to being home for the holidays.

4. Link Up with Other Families: Your Holiday Crew Away from Home

I’ve got a great tip to making your holidays away a little more festive: find other families in the same boat and make plans together. 

How do you find these like-minded souls? Social media is your best friend here. There are tons of Facebook groups and online forums where families share travel plans. 

Just drop a post asking who’s around for Christmas, and you’ll be amazed at the responses.

But don’t stop there. Check out local holiday events or expat gatherings. You never know who you might bump into. 

Once you’ve found your crew, why not plan a joint Christmas dinner? Make it a potluck and get a taste of holiday traditions from around the globe. Or go all out with group activities—visit a Christmas market or take the kids to see Santa.

The best part?  The instant community you will receive. Your kids get new holiday pals, and you get to have adult conversations that go beyond the latest Bluey episode. 

Plus, these unique experiences create memories that will stick. Your kids will be talking about that Christmas they spent making gingerbread houses with new friends for years. 

So go on, find your holiday crew, and make this Christmas one for the scrapbook.

Two people sitting around a holiday table skyping with family.  Christmas trees in the background

5. Binge-Watch Christmas Shows: Your Ultimate Holiday Movie Night

So you’re off on a holiday adventure, but you’re missing those cozy movie nights on the couch, huh? I get it. But guess what? You can totally recreate that magic, even if you’re miles away from home. 

How? A Christmas movie marathon, baby!

First up, you gotta pick your flicks. I’m talking Home Alone, Elf, The Grinch.  Most vacation accommodations will have some sort of streaming setup, but if not, download your faves before you head out. Easy peasy.

Now, let’s talk munchies. Popcorn is a given, but let’s kick it up a notch. Hot chocolate? Check. Marshmallows? Double-check. And if you’ve got a kitchen where you’re staying, whip up some cookies. 

Trust me, you will feel like you are right at home. 

The best part? You’re in this holiday bubble, just you and your fam. 

You get to laugh, maybe shed a happy tear or two, and soak up all the holiday feels. Plus, it’s the perfect way to chill after a day of exploring or whatever holiday fun you’re up to. 

6. Prepare a Nice Meal: Your Holiday Kitchen Away from Home

Just because you are on vacation doesn’t mean you can’t cook your own holiday feast. Trust me, I’ve been there. 

One year, my family and I celebrated Christmas in a hotel room, and guess what? We still managed to whip up a delicious meal using just a crockpot. Yep, you heard that right—a crockpot!

First things first, check out what you’ve got to work with. Most vacation rentals have decent kitchens, but even in a hotel room, you can get creative. A crockpot can be a lifesaver. We made everything from a hearty stew to a festive dessert, which was a hit!

Now, about the menu. You could go with the classics, or if you’re in a new place, why not try out a local holiday recipe?

I love getting my kids involved in the cooking. They help with mixing, stirring, and of course, taste-testing. 

Bonus points if you’re in a scenic location—send the kids on a scavenger hunt for natural table decorations. My kids had a blast collecting pinecones and leaves to spruce up our tablescape.

Make it an event. Light some candles, put on your favorite holiday playlist, and set the table—even if it’s makeshift. It’s all about creating that special holiday atmosphere.

7. Give Back/Volunteer: Spread the Love Wherever You Are

My family and I have found that one of the most rewarding ways to celebrate the holidays while traveling is by giving back. And you don’t have to go big to make a difference.

First off, check out local volunteer opportunities in the town you are vacationing. 

Whether it’s serving meals at a shelter or joining a community clean-up, it’s a fantastic way to teach the kids what Christmas is really about. 

But here’s a personal tip: don’t overlook the small gestures.  Make cards or have small gifts for the waitstaff, hotel employees, housekeeping, and tour guides working on Christmas.  

The small gesture goes a long way in brightening someone’s day.  

But don’t just make it a grown-up thing; get the kids involved too. Let them help pick out small gifts or write cards. It’s a fun and meaningful way for them to understand the joy of giving.

Preparing holiday treats.  There is a women;s hands mixing indrefients in a bowel with candy canes and red hots on the counter beside her.

8. Wait to Open Gifts Until Back Home: The Great Gift Debate

Here is a dilemma.  Do you haul a bunch of presents on vacation, or do you wait until you get back home??

Let’s be real: lugging gifts around is a hassle—especially if you’re flying. But then there’s the kiddos. They’re excited and can’t wait to rip open those presents. 

So what’s the solution? We’ve found a happy middle ground: one small gift on Christmas morning and the big gift-opening extravaganza when we return home. It’s like a teaser that keeps the holiday magic going.

The best part? It’s a win-win. You get to keep the holiday vibes going without the headache of carting around a bunch of gifts. Plus, it teaches the kids a little lesson in patience—always a bonus, right?

9. Explore Local Festivities: Dive into the Local Holiday Scene

One of the best ways to get into the holiday groove is to check out what’s happening locally.  

Christmas is international, and there is likely some holiday festival going on where you are. 

First things first, do a quick search or ask around to find out what’s going on. Christmas markets, parades, concerts—most places have something happening. 

Don’t just stick to the big, touristy events. Some of our best holiday events were at smaller, local gatherings. Think church concerts or neighborhood holiday parties. It’s way less crowded and feels more authentic.

Get the kids in on the action. Let them pick an event or two. It makes the whole experience more fun for them and, let’s be honest, a little easier on you.

The best part? You get to experience the holidays in a whole new way. It’s like you’re part of the local community, even if it’s just for a little while. 

Holiday Christmas Market stall filled with Christmas goodies

10. Start a New Tradition: Make This Holiday Uniquely Yours

Do you ever feel like shaking things up a bit during the Christmas season? I totally get it. One of the most memorable things your family could do is start a new holiday tradition away from home.

First off, think about your setting. Are you on a tropical beach or somewhere cold? Use that to your advantage. Why not go for a Christmas morning hike?  

Consider having a Christmas bellyflop competition at the hotel pool.  

Get the whole family involved in picking the new tradition. 

It could be something simple like a holiday scavenger hunt. The key is to make it something everyone will enjoy and remember.

11. Get a Familiar Holiday Treat: When You Need That Taste of Home

Sometimes, no matter how awesome the vacation is, you crave something that tastes like home. And you know what? You can totally find it.

So here’s the deal: most places have international stores or big supermarkets where you can find those missing holiday goodies. I’m talking gingerbread cookies, eggnog—the works. 

But let’s be real, sometimes you want that one specific thing, right? For me, it’s my holiday coffee from Starbucks. 

I know, I know, it’s not some local brew(I’m basic, what can I say?), but it hits the spot. So even when we’re miles away from home, I’ll find a Starbucks and get that cup of familiarity.

And don’t knock the power of a familiar chain restaurant. It’s not gourmet, but it’s comforting, and sometimes that’s just what you need.

You get that familiar taste, making everything feel more like Christmas. Plus, it’s a nice balance to all the new stuff you’re trying.

So go on, give yourself permission to grab that familiar holiday treat.  It might not be local, but sometimes you need it!

12. Bring a Christmas Item from Home: A Little Bit of Home, Wherever You Go

One simple thing your family can do to make a place feel like home over the holidays is to bring along a special Christmas item.

For my family, it’s this pickle Christmas ornament. My grandma always had a pickle ornament on her tree, and it has been a tradition that has carried on to my family.  We bring a pickle ornament if we are going to be traveling over the holidays.  

It doesn’t have to be big or fancy. Just something small that screams “Christmas” to you. For me, hanging that pickle ornament is like flipping the holiday switch. Instant Christmas magic, no matter where we are.

And don’t forget the kiddos. Let them pick out something small to bring along, like a mini stocking or their favorite holiday book. It makes them feel like they’re part of the holiday setup and adds that personal touch to wherever you’re staying.

It’s comforting, familiar, and just makes everything feel more Christmassy. 

Christmas Tree decorated with red and yellow flags sitting on a beach.

13. Blast Christmas Music by a “Fireplace”

Here’s a little secret: you can totally recreate a cozy atmosphere, even if the closest thing you have to a fireplace is your laptop screen.

So here’s what we do. We find a virtual fireplace video on YouTube—yep, they exist!—and play it on the biggest screen we’ve got. Sometimes it’s a TV or a laptop, but it always does the trick. Then we crank up our favorite Christmas playlist. 

You know, the one with all the classics that make it feel like Christmas no matter where you are.

The kids love it; it instantly makes any place feel like our little holiday haven. You can even set those stockings you packed right by the screen.  

It’s super easy to set up and adds that extra layer of holiday magic to wherever you’re staying. 

14. Book a Hard-to-Get Event on Christmas Eve: The Holiday Hack You Didn’t Know You Needed

Ever find yourself bummed out because that super cool holiday event you wanted to go to is all booked up? 

Been there, done that. But guess what? Christmas Eve might be your golden ticket. You’d be surprised how many exclusive events or attractions have last-minute availability.

Many folks are wrapped up in family dinners or church services on Christmas Eve, right? 

That means some of those usually packed events have a few extra spots. You might be able to score last-minute tickets to amazing events. 

It feels like you’re in on some secret holiday hack. You get to do something super cool that you thought you’d missed out on, and it adds a little extra sparkle to your holiday away from home.

15. Tell Your Children That Santa Goes Everywhere: Don’t Worry, Santa’s Got GPS!

Ever find yourself on vacation with the kids asking, “Will Santa find us here?” 

I’ve heard that question more times than I can count. But don’t worry, I’ve got the perfect answer: Santa’s got GPS, and he knows exactly where to find you.

So here’s what we tell our kids: Santa’s sleigh is like the ultimate travel machine. It’s got top-notch GPS and can view all cities on Earth.  He can find you whether you’re in a hotel, an Airbnb, or even camping in the wilderness.

The last thing you want is to be on this amazing trip and have the kids worried Santa’s going to skip over them.

Mom and son writing a christmas list

Remind Yourself How Lucky You Are: A Moment to Pause and Reflect

Amidst all the holiday hustle and bustle, stop and think about how lucky we are to be able to travel with our loved ones.  

Sometimes, in the middle of all the planning, packing, and sightseeing, it’s easy to forget just how special these moments are.

So here’s what I like to do: take a moment, just a moment or two, to really soak it all in. 

Maybe it’s when you’re watching the kids play on a foreign beach, or maybe it’s when everyone’s gathered around a makeshift holiday dinner in an Airbnb. 

Just stop and think about how fortunate you are to be there, in that moment, with the people you love most.

It’s like hitting the pause button on all the holiday chaos and just appreciating what you’ve got. It’s a reminder that you’re creating memories that will last a lifetime despite any travel hiccups or homesickness.

Final Thoughts: So, What’s the Takeaway? Should you Spend Christmas Away from Home?

Alright, guys, we’ve covered a lot, haven’t we?

From decking out your Airbnb to reassuring the kiddos that Santa’s GPS will find them, we’ve gone through my go-to tips for making Christmas away from home feel just as special. 

And trust me, as someone who’s spent Christmases away from home, I know it’s totally doable.

So here’s the thing: Christmas magic isn’t zip code-dependent. You can spend Christmas magic anywhere, and it still be magical.

And hey, if you catch yourself feeling a little homesick, that’s okay. 

Take a minute to soak it all in and remember how lucky you are to be making these new memories. 

One day, you’ll look back and realize these adventures were just as meaningful as the traditional Christmases you’ve known.

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